Myofascial Release in Naples, Florida

What Is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique of applying gentle sustained pressure into restrictions in the myofascial connective tissue, which surrounds every muscle, nerve, blood vessel, every cell of the body, to eliminate pain and restore motion.

Whether you need pain relief from chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or sciatica, or you want to optimize the health benefits of your fitness routine, myofascial release therapy can be an important component of your overall wellness.

Myofascial release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle, sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Traditional medicine treats symptom, not the root cause. Traditional and alternative therapies release only the elastic and muscular component of the myofascial complex resulting in temporary changes. In John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Method restrictions are held at the barrier for 3- 5 minutes or longer. This essential "time element" has to do with the viscous flow and piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate, "melt" and unravel myofascial restrictions, essentially removing the "straight jacket" from the system, and open up channels of communication.

"I was referred to Slawomir Rybak by Dr. David Carroll, D.C. He is a Licensed Massage Therapist. I was having neck trouble. Like, the kind of pain you only read about. The kind of pain that advil, tylenol, Aleve etc. don't even touch. I was having headaches that were radiating from my neck. I was literally crying nearly daily. I tried the chiropractor first, and while that helped, I did not find complete relief. Not until I saw Slawomir did my neck pain completely disappear. I went from having pain every single day to having none at all. I am 100 percent better since I started seeing Slawomir Rybak. You will not get a fluffy, relaxing massage from Slawomir. You will get a truly therapeutic massage that will help you with serious back and/or neck pain. Slawomir also shows you exercises to do to maintain the effects of his work. He is also a certified personal trainer. While I am quite sure that Rybak can do a great relaxing massage if requested, he will truly relieve pain and loosen up muscles that are extremely tight. I feel like a new person since I found Slawomir Rybak. I can't recommend anyone more highly."
Michelle P.


Each Myofascial treatment session is performed directly on skin without oils or creams. This enables the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the fascia.

What You Can Feel After Treatment

Myofascial release is different from other types of bodywork that you may have experienced. Because it addresses restrictions and habitual patterns deep within the fascial system of the body, the treatment does not end once you get up off the treatment table.

Your fascial system may continue to unravel and release for hours or even days after your leave. This is normal. Continue to tune into your body. You may feel exhilarated or energized, calm and quiet, relaxed or exhausted, moody and emotional, or anywhere in between.

I encourage you to listen to your body and flow with whatever is coming up. Be gentle with yourself. Most people feel better immediately, although some may feel sore or temporarily stirred up. This is called the healing crisis. In other words, you may get worse before you get better. AIl restrictions are released, your body may be shifting its alignment, so you may feel achy in unfamiliar areas.

In rare instances, you may experience soreness all over. This may be your body asking for more attention as deeper layers of restrictions are uncovered. Gently stretch these areas. In most cases, soreness will dissipate within a couple of days and then you will feel freer within your body. It’s best to drink lots of water. After treatment it is important to re-hydrate and flush toxins out of areas that were restricted. Healing is not an event. It is a process. Your restrictions did not show up overnight. Myofascial release is an authentic healing approach that can help you reduce pain, enhance inner tranquility, and improve the quality of your life.


Phone: (508) 277-9595

Office location:
7935 Airport-Pulling Road, Unit 206
Naples, FL 34109

FL License # 94909
MM # 41641